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Pedunculate Club-rush Bolboschoenus laticarpus (Cyperaceae) ? an overlooked native or a spreading neophyte ? / Frederick J. Rumsey in British & Irish Botany, vol. 1, n°2 (Année 2019)
Titre : Pedunculate Club-rush Bolboschoenus laticarpus (Cyperaceae) ? an overlooked native or a spreading neophyte ? Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Frederick J. Rumsey, Auteur ; Helena J. Crouch, Auteur ; Richard Lansdown, Auteur ; Mark A. Spencer, Auteur Année de publication : 2019 Article en page(s) : pp. 91-106 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [ZG] Royaume-Uni
[Espèces (in biblio)] Bolboschoenus
[Thèmes] TaxonomieMots-clés : aire de répartition anatomie fruit statut écologie Résumé : "Bolboschoenus laticarpus Marhold, Hroudová, Zákravský & Ducháček (for which we suggest the common name Pedunculate Club-rush) is reported from the British Isles and the characters which distinguish it from B. maritimus (L.) Palla are given. The known English distribution is presented and placed in its wider geographical context. The ecology and history of this species in Britain are outlined and its likely status is considered. B. laticarpus is locally abundant and widely distributed in a range of natural and artificial habitats, particularly within the Somerset Levels and also in the flood plains of some larger rivers, where it is now known to have been long persistent. B. laticarpus appears to be a successful colonist, having arrived recently in several newly created, artificial habitats. The mode of introduction is unknown but believed to be natural, and indeed elsewhere in Europe it is reportedly increasing within its natural range, perhaps as a consequence of changes in land-use, eutrophication and potentially climate. We therefore regard it as a native taxon." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Rumsey F., Crouch H.-J., Lansdown R., Spencer M., 2019 - Pedunculate Club-rush Bolboschoenus laticarpus (Cyperaceae) ? an overlooked native or a spreading neophyte ? British & Irish Botany, 1 (2) : 91-106. ID PMB : 69681 En ligne : https://britishandirishbotany.org/index.php/bib/article/view/17/23 Format de la ressource électronique : document Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=69681
in British & Irish Botany > vol. 1, n°2 (Année 2019) . - pp. 91-106[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. parviflora (Poaceae) - an overlooked woodland grass / Andy Amphlett in British & Irish Botany, vol. 1, n°2 (Année 2019)
Titre : Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. parviflora (Poaceae) - an overlooked woodland grass Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Andy Amphlett, Auteur Année de publication : 2019 Article en page(s) : pp. 117-127 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [habitats/milieux] 4 - Forêts
[Espèces (in biblio)] Deschampsia cespitosa
[ZG] Royaume-Uni et IrlandeMots-clés : aire de répartition habitat description Résumé : "Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv. subsp. parviflora (Thuill.) Dumort was, to British and Irish botanists, a little known taxon prior to1988, and current distribution mapping shows a marked geographical recording bias. It is confirmed as being primarily a woodland taxon, at low altitudes; modal mean altitude 50-75 m AOD, with 97% of locations at ≤300 m AOD. A combination of woodland or shaded habitat, bright green narrow leaves, and delicate panicle, with small spikelets, is suggestive of subsp. parviflora. In combination, degree of leaf blade scabridity on the adaxial surface, appearance of papillae on flat surfaces of adaxial ridges of the leaf, and spikelet length, provide the most reliable means of distinguishing this subspecies from subsp. cespitosa. There is no reason to suspect that subsp. parviflora is increasing, rather it had previously been overlooked." (source : auteur) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Amphlett A., 2019 - Deschampsia cespitosa subsp. parviflora (Poaceae) - an overlooked woodland grass. British & Irish Botany, 1 (2) : 117-127. ID PMB : 69682 En ligne : https://britishandirishbotany.org/index.php/bib/article/view/18/29 Format de la ressource électronique : document Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=69682
in British & Irish Botany > vol. 1, n°2 (Année 2019) . - pp. 117-127[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Achene Morphology of British and Irish Mayweeds and Chamomiles : implications for taxonomy and identification / Chris A. Skilbeck in British & Irish Botany, vol. 1, n°2 (Année 2019)
Titre : Achene Morphology of British and Irish Mayweeds and Chamomiles : implications for taxonomy and identification Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Chris A. Skilbeck, Auteur ; Iris Lynch, Auteur ; Maggie Ellenby, Auteur ; Mark A. Spencer, Auteur Année de publication : 2019 Article en page(s) : pp. 128-166 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [Espèces (in biblio)] Anthemis
[Espèces (in biblio)] Chamaemelum
[Espèces (in biblio)] Cota
[Espèces (in biblio)] Matricaria
[Espèces (in biblio)] TripleurospermumMots-clés : morphologie akène détermination Résumé : "Whilst determining the mayweed and chamomile specimens in the Natural History Museum’s British & Irish Herbarium we decided to produce a photographic guide and key to assist in the determination of these plants using achene morphology. Because of our observations, and in line with North American treatments, we propose recognising Matricaria discoidea subsp. discoidea and M. discoidea subsp. occidentalis as separate species. We also discuss possible introgression from Tripleurospermum maritimum subsp. phaeocephalum in northern parts of Birtain and Ireland, the implications for the taxonomy of Anthemis/Cota and Chamaemelum and the usefulness of achene glands in determination of specimens. Finally we consider the problems that may arise when using immature achenes and herbarium specimens for determination and we discuss the usefulness of being aware of changes in colour and form that occur during development, particularly as many collected specimens lacked ripe capitula." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Skilbeck C., Lynch I., Ellenby M., Spencer M., 2019 - Achene Morphology of British and Irish Mayweeds and Chamomiles : implications for taxonomy and identification. British & Irish Botany, 1 (2) : 128-166. ID PMB : 69683 En ligne : https://britishandirishbotany.org/index.php/bib/article/view/16/30 Format de la ressource électronique : document Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=69683
in British & Irish Botany > vol. 1, n°2 (Année 2019) . - pp. 128-166[article]Exemplaires(0)
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