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Auteur Balázs Andras Lukacs |
Documents disponibles écrits par cet auteur (4)

Distribution, morphology and habitats of Elatine triandra (Elatinaceae) in Europe, with particular reference to the central part of the continent / Agnieska Popiela in Acta botanica gallica, vol. 162, n°4 (Année 2015)
Titre : Distribution, morphology and habitats of Elatine triandra (Elatinaceae) in Europe, with particular reference to the central part of the continent Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Agnieska Popiela, Auteur ; Andrzej Lysko, Auteur ; Attila Molnar, Auteur ; Zygmunt Kacki, Auteur ; Balázs Andras Lukacs, Auteur Année de publication : 2015 Article en page(s) : pp. 324-337 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [Espèces (in biblio)] Elatine triandra
[Thèmes] PhytogéographieMots-clés : chorologie végétation morphologie cartographie phénologie Résumé : "Elatine triandra Schkuhr is the most variable and widespread species within the genus Elatine L.; it has been recorded in all continents, except Antarctica, but it is mainly located in Europe. The study is based on an extensive data set of European literature, herbaria and web data that covers the period 1828–2012. The range of the species in Europe is disjunctive, covering the southern and western parts of the Central European Plain and the southern part of the Fennoscandian Shield. At a smaller scale, the species can also be found along some river valleys. In Central Europe many localities, particularly isolated ones in the northern part of the range, are now only historical. From the data set we determined that E. triandra may be best observed between May and October. We found that species records show a near-significant shift since 1828. Depending on the environmental conditions, individuals of the taxon develop as one of two morphs: terrestrial or aquatic. The aquatic morph is characterized by stems, internodes, lamina and petiole that are twice as long as those of the terrestrial form. Elatine triandra seeds show consistent characteristics, both in terms of morphs and populations. Our studies show that the best diagnostic features, in addition to the construction of flowers, are the size, shape and surface structure of seeds. In Central Europe, E. triandra occurs exclusively in communities classified as Isoëto-Nano-Juncetea." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Popiela A., Lysko A., Molnar A., Kacki Z., Lukacs B., 2015 - Distribution, morphology and habitats of Elatine triandra (Elatinaceae) in Europe, with particular reference to the central part of the continent. Acta botanica gallica, 162 (4) : 324-337. ID PMB : 62016 Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=62016
in Acta botanica gallica > vol. 162, n°4 (Année 2015) . - pp. 324-337[article]Exemplaires(1)
Cote Localisation Disponibilité P0177-6 Brest Exclu du prêt Flood induced phenotypic plasticity in amphibious genus Elatine (Elatinaceae) / Attila Molnar in PeerJ, 3 (2015)
Titre : Flood induced phenotypic plasticity in amphibious genus Elatine (Elatinaceae) Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Attila Molnar, Auteur ; János Pál Tóth, Auteur ; Gábor Sramkó, Auteur ; Orsolya Horváth, Auteur ; Agnieszka Janiak, Auteur ; Attila Mesterházy, Auteur ; Balázs Andras Lukacs, Auteur Année de publication : 2015 Article en page(s) : e1473 Langues : Anglais (eng) Mots-clés : adaptation macrophyte morphologie des graines culture graine charactéristique végétative Résumé : "Vegetative characters are widely used in the taxonomy of the amphibious genus Elatine L. However, these usually show great variation not just between species but between their aquatic and terrestrial forms. In the present study we examine the variation of seed and vegetative characters in nine Elatine species (E. brachysperma, E. californica, E. gussonei, E. hexandra, E. hungarica, E. hydropiper, E. macropoda, E. orthosperma and E. triandra) to reveal the extension of plasticity induced by the amphibious environment, and to test character reliability for species identification. Cultivated plant clones were kept under controlled conditions exposed to either aquatic or terrestrial environmental conditions. Six vegetative characters (length of stem, length of internodium, length of lamina, width of lamina, length of petioles, length of pedicel) and four seed characters (curvature, number of pits / lateral row, 1st and 2nd dimension) were measured on 50 fruiting stems of the aquatic and on 50 stems of the terrestrial form of the same clone. MDA, NPMANOVA Random Forest classification and cluster analysis were used to unravel the morphological differences between aquatic and terrestrial forms. The results of MDA cross-validated and Random Forest classification clearly indicated that only seed traits are stable within species (i.e., different forms of the same species keep similar morphology). Consequently, only seed morphology is valuable for taxonomic purposes since vegetative traits are highly influenced by environmental factors." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Molnar A., Pál Tóth J., Sramkó G., Horváth O., Janiak A., Mesterházy A., Lukacs B., 2015 - Flood induced phenotypic plasticity in amphibious genus Elatine (Elatinaceae). PeerJ, 3 : e1473. ID PMB : 65364 En ligne : https://peerj.com/articles/1473.pdf Format de la ressource électronique : document Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=65364
in PeerJ > 3 (2015) . - e1473[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Molecular phylogenetics, seed morphometrics, chromosome number evolution and systematics of European Elatine L. (Elatinaceae) species / Gábor Sramkó in PeerJ, 4 (2016)
Titre : Molecular phylogenetics, seed morphometrics, chromosome number evolution and systematics of European Elatine L. (Elatinaceae) species Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Gábor Sramkó, Auteur ; Attila Molnar, Auteur ; János Pál Tóth, Auteur ; Levente Laczkó, Auteur ; Anna Kalinka, Auteur ; Orsolya Horváth, Auteur ; Lidia Skuza, Auteur ; Balázs Andras Lukacs, Auteur ; Agnieska Popiela, Auteur Année de publication : 2016 Article en page(s) : e2800 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [Espèces (in biblio)] Elatinaceae Mots-clés : hybridation phylogénie évolution Résumé : "The genus Elatine contains ca 25 species, all of which are small, herbaceous annuals distributed in ephemeral waters on both hemispheres. However, due to a high degree of morphological variability (as a consequence of their amphibious life-style), the taxonomy of this genus remains controversial. Thus, to fill this gap in knowledge, we present a detailed molecular phylogenetic study of this genus based on nuclear (rITS) and plastid (accD-psaI, psbJ-petA, ycf6-psbM-trnD) sequences using 27 samples from 13 species. On the basis of this phylogenetic analysis, we provide a solid phylogenetic background for the modern taxonomy of the European members of the genus. Traditionally accepted sections of this tree (i.e., Crypta and Elatinella) were found to be monophyletic; only E. borchoni—found to be a basal member of the genus—has to be excluded from the latter lineage to achieve monophyly. A number of taxonomic conclusions can also be drawn: E. hexandra, a high-ploid species, is most likely a stabilised hybrid between the main sections; E. campylosperma merits full species status based on both molecular and morphological evidence; E. gussonei is a more widespread and genetically diverse species with two main lineages; and the presence of the Asian E. ambigua in the European flora is questionable. The main lineages recovered in this analysis are also supported by a number of synapomorphic morphological characters as well as uniform chromosome counts. Based on all the evidence presented here, two new subsections within Elatinella are described: subsection Hydropipera consisting of the temperate species of the section, and subsection Macropodae including the Mediterranean species of the section." (source : auteurs) Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : SRAMKÓ G., MOLNAR A., PÁL TÓTH J., LACZKÓ L., KALINKA A., HORVÁTH O., SKUZA L., ANDRAS LUKACS B., POPIELA A., 2016 - Molecular phylogenetics, seed morphometrics, chromosome number evolution and systematics of European Elatine L. (Elatinaceae) species. PeerJ, 4 : e2800 ; DOI 10.7717/peerj.2800 ID PMB : 65363 DOI : 10.7717/peerj.2800 En ligne : https://peerj.com/articles/2800/ Format de la ressource électronique : document Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=65363
in PeerJ > 4 (2016) . - e2800[article]Exemplaires(0)
Disponibilité aucun exemplaire Resurrection and typification of Elatine campylosperma (Elatinaceae), a longforgotten waterwort species / Attila Takács in PeerJ, n°6 (Année 2018)
Titre : Resurrection and typification of Elatine campylosperma (Elatinaceae), a longforgotten waterwort species Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Attila Takács, Auteur ; Attila Molnar, Auteur ; Balázs Andras Lukacs, Auteur ; Timea Nagy, Auteur ; Adam Lovas-Kiss, Auteur ; Andy J. Green, Auteur ; Agnieska Popiela, Auteur ; Lajos Somlyay, Auteur Année de publication : 2018 Article en page(s) : e4913 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : [Espèces (in biblio)] Elatinaceae
[Thèmes] Bassin méditerranéen
[Thèmes] TaxonomieMots-clés : biogéographie écologie plante aquatique Résumé : "The name Elatine campylosperma Seub. is generally treated as one of the synonyms of E. macropoda Guss. However, recent morphological, phylogenetic and karyological studies indicate that this judgement should be revised. In the present paper we typify the name E. campylosperma, review its taxonomic history and provide a thorough description, with compilation of previously published data and our new measurements from in vitro cultures. Based on our herbarium survey, we outline its Atlantic-Mediterranean distribution area (Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey and Algeria). Habitat preferences are summarized from our field observations, water quality measurements and the label information of the herbarium specimens examined. Intact E. campylosperma seeds were found in faecal samples of the Eurasian Coot (Fulica atra L.) in southern Spain and two of them were germinated, suggesting that E. campylosperma has a capacity for long distance dispersal via endozoochory." Type de publication : périodique Référence biblio : Takács A., Molnar A., Lukacs B., Nagy T., Lovas-Kiss A., Green A., Popiela A., Somlyay L., 2018 - Resurrection and typification of Elatine campylosperma (Elatinaceae), a longforgotten waterwort species. PeerJ, 6 : e4913. DOI : 10.7717/peerj.4913/https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4913 En ligne : https://peerj.com/articles/4913/ Format de la ressource électronique : document Permalink : http://www.cbnbrest.fr/catalogue_en_ligne/index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=67401
in PeerJ > n°6 (Année 2018) . - e4913[article]Exemplaires(0)
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